Source code for hanyuu.status

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .. import utils, config, abstractions
import logging
import pylibmc
import ConfigParser
import contextlib

logger = logging.getLogger('hanyuu.status')

[docs]def memcache_client(): """ Returns a :class:`pylibmc.Client` object. """ try: options = config.get('memcache', 'servers') except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: raise ConfigParser.Error("Missing memcache configuration. " "Please add a [memcache] section " "with at least the `servers` option " "specified.") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: raise ConfigParser.Error("Missing memcache.servers configuration. " "Please add a `servers` option to the " "[memcache] section.") except ConfigParser.Error: raise servers = [] for server in options.split(','): servers.append(server.strip()) return pylibmc.Client(servers)
[docs]class Base(object): """ Simple base class that sets the attribute :attr:cache to a :class:memcache.Client ready to be used. """ def __init__(self): super(Base, self).__init__() client = memcache_client() self._mem_pool = pylibmc.ClientPool(client, 4) @property
[docs] def cache(self): @contextlib.contextmanager def locked_client(): with self._mem_pool.reserve() as client: yield client return locked_client()
[docs]class Stream(Base): """ Wrapping class around the memcache server and variables relevant to the status of the streaming server. """ @property def listeners(self): """ Returns the total amount of listeners as an integer. This is the listeners combined from all relay servers. """ with self.cache as client: return client.get(b'status.current_listeners') or 0 @listeners.setter
[docs] def listeners(self, value): """ Sets the current listeners value. :obj:`value` should be an integer type. """ with self.cache as client: client.set(b'status.current_listeners', value)
@property def peak_listeners(self): with self.cache as client: return client.get(b'status.peak_listeners') or 0 @peak_listeners.setter
[docs] def peak_listeners(self, value): """ Sets the current peak listeners value. :obj:`value` should be an integer type. """ with self.cache as client: client.set(b'status.peak_listeners', value)
@property def online(self): """ Returns if the master server is online or not. Returns a boolean type. """ with self.cache as client: return bool(client.get(b'')) or False @online.setter
[docs] def online(self, value): """ Sets the status of the master server. :obj:`value` is passed to :func:`bool` """ with self.cache as client: client.set(b'', bool(value))
@property def current(self): """ Gets the current song metadata playing on the master server. Returns a :obj:`unicode` object. """ with self.cache as client: value = client.get(b'status.current') if value: value = value.decode('utf-8') else: value = '' return value @current.setter
[docs] def current(self, value): """ Sets the current song metadata. Expects a utf-8 bytestring. If passed an unicode type will be encoded to utf-8 while replacing errornous characters. """ if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8', 'replace') with self.cache as client: client.set(b'status.current', value)
[docs]class Site(Base): """ Object that encapsulates state of the website. """ @property def thread(self): """ Returns the current thread URL. Returns a :obj:`unicode` string or None """ with self.cache as client: return client.get(b'site.thread').decode('utf-8') or None @thread.setter
[docs] def thread(self, value): """ Sets the current thread URL. :obj:`value` should be a bytestring, an unicode string will be encoded with ('utf-8', 'replace') as arguments. """ if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8', 'replace') with self.cache as client: client.set(b'site.thread', value)
@property def dj(self): """ Returns the current DJ that is live. Returns a :class:`abstractions.users.DJ` object. """ with self.cache as client: return abstractions.users.DJ(client.get(b'')) @dj.setter
[docs] def dj(self, value): """ Sets the current DJ that is live. :obj:`value` should be an :class:`abstractions.users.DJ` object. or :obj:`value` is required to be an object that supports casting to an integer as the value will be passed to :func:`int` """ if isinstance(value, abstractions.users.DJ): value = else: value = int(value) with self.cache as client: client.set(b'', value)
[docs]class Streamer(Base): """ Object that encapsulates state of the AFK streamer. """ @property def requests_enabled(self): """ Returns a bool indicating if the AFK streamer accepts requests. This is False if either Requests got disabled explicitely or the AFK streamer is not streaming at the moment. """ with self.cache as client: return bool(client.get(b'streamer.requests_enabled')) or False @requests_enabled.setter
[docs] def requests_enabled(self, value): """ Sets the requests capability to :obj:value :obj:`value` is passed to :func:bool before updating. """ with self.cache as client: client.set(b'streamer.requests_enabled', bool(value))

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