Source code for hanyuu.utils

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import time

def instance_decorator(cls):
    Decorator for a class that returns an instance of the class.
    This is used to create a singleton of a class that lives forever
    in the process.
    return cls()

[docs]class Switch(object): """ A timed switch. Evaluates truthy if the time has expired, else falsy. Example usage: >>> import time >>> a = Switch(5) >>> bool(a) False >>> time.sleep(5) >>> bool(a) True """ def __init__(self, initial, timeout=15): object.__init__(self) self.state = initial self.timeout = time.time() + timeout def __nonzero__(self): return False if self.timeout <= time.time() else self.state def __bool__(self): return False if self.timeout <= time.time() else self.state
[docs] def reset(self, timeout=15): self.timeout = time.time() + timeout
[docs]def fix_encoding(metadata): """ This function tries to guess the correct encoding of :obj:`metadata` Currently this checks for the following encodings in order: UTF-8, strict mode SJIS, replace mode UTF-8, replace mode .. note:: This function also calls an unconditional `metadata.strip()` before returning the new string. :param bytes metadata: A sequence in an unknown encoding. :returns unicode: An unicode string. """ # If we get an unicode string we assume it's all nice and clean and just # return it. The method below for fixing encoding does NOT work when it gets # an unicode object. if isinstance(metadata, unicode): return metadata try: return metadata.decode('utf-8', 'strict').strip() except (UnicodeDecodeError): return metadata.decode('shiftjis', 'replace').strip()

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