Source code for

A module that adds some extra useful wrapping around the **libshout** library.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from . import logger
logger = logger.getChild('icecast')

import threading
import time
import pylibshout

[docs]class Icecast(object): """ ====== Source ====== The :class:`Icecast` class expects a source that returns encoded MP3 audio data. Use of other formats as of now is not supported. The source requires the following attributes: :func:`read`: A method that returns encoded MP3 audio data. :param size: An :const:`int` signifying the amount of bytes to read. :returns: :const:`bytes` containing the requested MP3 audio data. ======= Options ======= We accept a single option that is a full fletched configuration for the underlying **libshout** library. - icecast_config: A :const:`dict` containing the configuration for **libshout**. For the exact contents of the dictionary see :class:`IcecastConfig`. ======== Handlers ======== The following handler hooks are supported by :class:`Icecast`. - icecast_start(icecast): Called when the :meth:`Icecast.start` is called. :param icecast: :class:`Icecast` instance. - icecast_close(icecast): Called when the :meth:`Icecast.close` is called. :param icecast: :class:`Icecast` instance. - icecast_connect(icecast, options): Called when :meth:`Icecast.connect` is called. :param icecast: :class:`Icecast` instance. :param options: :class:`IcecastConfig` instance used. - icecast_metadata(icecast, metadata): Called when metadata is send to the server. :param icecast: :class:`Icecast` instance. :param metadata: :const:`unicode` instance containing the metadata send. """ options = [('icecast_config', {})] #: The time to wait when we lose connection by cause of external behaviour. connecting_timeout = 5.0 def __init__(self, source, options, handlers): super(Icecast, self).__init__() self.config = IcecastConfig(options['icecast_config']) self.handler = handlers self.source = source self._shout = self.setup_libshout()
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect the libshout object to the configured server.""" try: except (pylibshout.ShoutException) as err: logger.exception("Failed to connect to Icecast server.") raise IcecastError("Failed to connect to icecast server.") finally: self.handler.icecast_connect(self, self.config)
[docs] def connected(self): """Returns True if the libshout object is currently connected to an icecast server.""" try: return True if self._shout.connected() == -7 else False except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def read(self, size, timeout=None): raise NotImplementedError("Icecast does not support reading.")
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the libshout object and tries to join the thread if we are not calling this from our own thread.""" self._should_run.set() try: self._shout.close() except (pylibshout.ShoutException) as err: if err[0] == pylibshout.SHOUTERR_UNCONNECTED: pass else: logger.exception("Exception in pylibshout close call.") raise IcecastError("Exception in pylibshout close.") finally: self.handler.icecast_close(self) try: self._thread.join(5.0) except (RuntimeError) as err: pass
[docs] def run(self): while not self._should_run.is_set(): while self.connected(): if hasattr(self, '_saved_meta'): self.set_metadata(self._saved_meta) del self._saved_meta buff = if not buff: # EOF self.close() logger.exception("Source EOF, closing ourself.") break try: self._shout.send(buff) self._shout.sync() except (pylibshout.ShoutException) as err: logger.exception("Failed sending stream data.") self.reboot_libshout() if not self._should_run.is_set(): time.sleep(self.connecting_timeout) self.reboot_libshout()
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the thread that reads from source and feeds it to icecast.""" if not self.connected(): self.connect() self._should_run = threading.Event() self._thread = threading.Thread( = "Icecast" self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() self.handler.icecast_start(self)
[docs] def switch_source(self, new_source): """Tries to change the source without disconnect from icecast.""" self._should_run.set() # Gracefully try to get rid of the thread try: self._thread.join(5.0) except RuntimeError as err: logger.exception("Got called from my own thread.") self.source = new_source # Swap out our source self.start() # Start a new thread (so roundabout)
[docs] def metadata(self, metadata): try: self._shout.metadata = {'song': metadata} # Stupid library except (pylibshout.ShoutException) as err: logger.exception("Failed sending metadata. No action taken.") self._saved_meta = metadata finally: self.handler.icecast_metadata(self, metadata)
[docs] def setup_libshout(self): """Internal method Creates a libshout object and puts the configuration to use. """ shout = pylibshout.Shout(tag_fix=False) self.config.setup(shout) return shout
[docs] def reboot_libshout(self): """Internal method Tries to recreate the libshout object. """ try: self._shout = self.setup_libshout() except (IcecastError) as err: logger.exception("Configuration failed.") self.close() try: self.connect() except (IcecastError) as err: logger.exception("Connection failure.")
[docs]class IcecastConfig(dict): """ Simple dict subclass that knows how to apply the keys to a libshout object. The following dictionary items are supported: - host: The hostname of the icecast server to connect to. (defaults to localhost) - port: The port the icecast server is running on. (defaults to 8000) - user: The icecast user. - password: The password for the icecast server. - mount: The mountpoint to connect to. - format: The format we are going to stream in. Can be one of the following: - 0 = OGG encoded data. - 1 = MP3 encoded data. - protocol: The protocol to use to connect to the icecast server. Can be one of the following: - 0 = HTTP protocol - 1 = XAUDIOCAST protocol - 2 = ICY protocol If you are unsure of which one to use, you are most likely after the HTTP protocol. - name: An optional name to show on the icecast page. - url: An optional URL to be placed on the icecast page. - genre: An optional genre to be shown on the icecast page. - agent: The useragent to connect with. (defaults to libshout/version) - description: An optional small description to show on the icecast page. - charset: An optional charset to use for sending metadata. (defaults to UTF-8) - public: An optional boolean specifying if this stream is to be marked as public in icecast. (This affects indexing on external sites.) - dumpfile: A file to dump the streamed data to. - audio_info: Can be ignored, see libshout docs for info. - metadata: Can be ignored, see libshout docs for info. """ def __init__(self, attributes=None): super(IcecastConfig, self).__init__(attributes or {})
[docs] def setup(self, shout): """Setup 'shout' configuration by setting attributes on the object. 'shout' is a pylibshout.Shout object. """ for key, value in self.iteritems(): try: setattr(shout, key, value) except pylibshout.ShoutException as err: raise IcecastError(("Incorrect configuration option '{:s}' or " " value '{:s}' used.").format(key, value))
[docs]class IcecastError(Exception): pass

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